Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cake time? NO!

The other day I was having a stressful day. It was about 3:30 or 4, so the day was almost over. I sat down at my computer to send Mary and e-mail and clear my mind for a minute before I finished up everything for the day. All of a sudden, I hear a voice, "Umm... Sgt McIntyre, I have a question." I turn around and it is a girl that usually asks for signatures on papers, so it wasn't a big issue. I asked what I could help her with, I noticed that she didn't have anything for me to sign, but she was eating cake... She proceeded to tell me that the Wing (our 'daddy' unit) wanted some checklists. While I do use these checklists, her office is the group in charge of keeping checklists up to date. I informed her of this and she said that the Wing asked for these checklists a few weeks ago and that they needed them by the end of the day. I raised my voice and asked her why she was just now trying to get them at the last minute if she had known about the request for so long. She gave some worthless story, I didn't listen to it. I then told her where the checklists were electronically and she asked me how she could move them from one computer system to another. I told her to finish her cake and figure it out. Her response, "Ill go talk to my boss and see what she wants us to do. Then Ill come back." I raised my voice again, "GET OUT! Im not going to help you finish a task that you've known about for weeks while you eat cake, go talk to whoever the hell you want to but don't come back here, now get out."

If someone needs my help on something, even if it isn't my responsibility. I do not mind helping hem, but Im not going to rush to help someone out last minute, especially if they are stuffing their mouth full of cake while asking for help.


familyofmgms said...

Seems to me you were jealous of her cake. :)

Mollie B said...

Lesson for her. Next time bring you a piece of cake first and then ask. Sounds like being home alone might be making Marshall grumpy.She will be home soon. I know you miss her!!! oxoxo

A Day in the Life said...

While you are correct Mollie, I do miss her, I don't care if she would have brought me the friggin statue of liberty, she was eating cake while asking for something that she needed in the next thirty minutes to hour... She deserved so much more than I gave her. Just wait for the upcoming week. I plan on making this debt known...

adrienne_sakura said...

wow. that's so wrong. i don't know what i would have done. but i applaud your reaction.